Daneshvar Shimi Company is an importer of research laboratory equipment and research laboratory equipment and research laboratory chemicals. Research laboratories of the Ministry of Science, advanced research laboratories, scientific research laboratories, research laboratories have been equipped by this company.
Single Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (UV-Visible)
Dual Beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Double Beam)
Atomic absorption (atomic absorption) of flame and furnace
ICP induction coupling device
ICP-MS device
Dual solvent HPLC liquid chromatography
Four-solvent HPLC liquid chromatography
GC gas chromatograph with FID-TCD-ECD-NPD detectors
Particle size analyzer
DSC thermal analyzer and DSC / TGA / STA analyzer
Laboratory fermenter and industrial fermenter
Surface and interfacial tension tensiometer
Contact Angle Measuring Device Contact Angle
XRF desktop and portable device
XRD desktop device
NMR core magnetic resonance device
SEM electron microscope
TEM electron microscope
AFM Atomic Force Microscope
FESEM electron microscope
Email : info@d-chemi.com
site : www.d-chemi.com